Sunday, 29 August 2010

All Steamed up

So I'm back in the saddle after a good while. I went over to Bury St Edmunds two weekends ago to be at the opening of Apocalypse Miniature Wargaming. A great shop that I really hope the local Wargamers will support Jon and Bev in their endeavour as the Shop comes as a welcome relief after the local drought created by Runik's untimely end.
I entered four of my Warmachine ladies into the opening day Painting contest. I was up against some stiff competition from EldarVeteran's Demon of Wrath and Nick's Ork Stompa, but my girls prevailed in the end, Yaaah!!!!
I chose a new Helljack plastic kit and the Mk II Merc's gaming Deck as my prize. Many thanks to Jon and Bev for the opportunity and prize, and the Cameron for his help in the judging (Your money transfer will go through this week, teehee)
So I have gotten back into the figurines, finishing off some incomplete models first before venturing on. I had a Trencher UA and Blister plus Capt. Finn to finish off in my 'cold' Cygnar colours. They all got done this weekend and I will post pics here and on the PP forum as soon as the bases are complete.
The Bury Wargamers are having their birthday weekend on the 25th September, so I will be entering the Battle Scarred painting contest with the very model on the header. My heavily converted Talon, :)
And so I will venture on into Warmachine MkII and see how it all goes. A thrashing is in the waiting I believe. They still look good as they die tho'