Saturday 18 October 2008

Summer's End

Well I'm finally back here.
Been terribly busy with the Ludicrus '08 Event and the Suffolk Open Warmachine Tournament, the painting contest et al.
My Diorama 'The Challenge' placed first netting me a limited edition Ludi shirt and Bragging rights. The club didn't place many entries, and we definately didn't walk away with the majority this year. No fear, the level of painting is slowly improving, with me pushing all the way and next year should be walk-over.
The Birthday Bash was fantastic with many events happening. An Apocalypse battle (12000pnts) on the Imperial side alone, Two Titans and so many troop and armour divisions that I lost count. 'It's all gone Starship Troopers' was played again this year, with one squad of Imperial stormtroopers standing off against the 'Bug' horde, played by the ever-scary Tyranid Hive Bethesda.
Many thanks to all who put in so much in the final weeks...too many names to mention in fact. (I'm so freekin' lazy man!)
I hope to improve the Blog soon and put more of my completed stuff in the albums.
See ya soon