Wednesday 14 November 2007


Sorry, good morning, good evening and good night. Been consumed with a set of Warmachine figurines. Trying to get together a unique colour-scheme for the 'Magnus the Traitor' set of Warjacks and caster- namely ol' one leg...Asheth Magnus.
A note: I never fully realised, until a short while back, that this character, Magnus, was such a die-hard. He's either just plain stubborn, or so set in his ways that he'll end up dying for it. I haven't looked at the second two books from Privateer yet, only Prime remix and Escalation, but it seems that Magnus just gets kicked over and over again. Then he just gets back up; re-adjusts his leg-brace; and starts again. He tends to be a bit of a genius with 'Jacks and arc nodes so most of the construction work was done by Magnus himself. With solid 'Engines East' chassis to work from he couldn't really go wrong. So I wanted to make personal 'jacks, so I needed some different colour schemes:

I really like character fluff/background/history/etc so I'll probably move on from him and use other warcasters as well, in particular Ashlynn and the new Privateer 'Caster-Fiona the Black'

She's due for release in Feb next year, but they're showing her off in 'No Quarter' already. That's just wrong man!

Dirty Meg the Jack marshal/Mechanik/Privateer is out next month and I can't wait to get my hands on her....the figurine of course, tsk; tsk!

Check out the Figurine Album link in the sidebar, my Warmachine pics are there.

Magnus is done, just the base to finish off and he's complete. Notice that instead of opting for the painted front/rear arc option on the base I've allowed two pointed pieces of flint hang over the edges a bit. These denote the left and right sides of the halves. So no need for an ugly painted line on the base and everyone should still be happy. Oh yeah, you may have noticed, once you take a look, that Magnus is on a larger base. I put him on a 40mm because he's not a Solo or even a Captain or Std bearer unit, he's a Warcaster Damb You! I know its not Tourney legal, and so what - house rules prevail, Hah!

Catch yawl later,

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