Monday 29 October 2007

Bury Wargamers 27/10

Hi all,
Had a blast on Saturday evening at the Bury Wargamers meeting in (wait for it)... Bury St Edmunds. Hah! It was great, relaxed and full of happy people. I arrived a bit early as I'm busy trying to get a Battlegroup finished (Warmachine). So I sat painting while the juniors fought each other to a standstill. They've decided to have a massive tank battle next time. can't wait to see it. Runik Games, Ipswich ( sent their man, Reuben, to tempt us with new shiny goodies to buy, Wonderful!
I got some pics of the games in progress and some fantastic shots of a Deathjack. Display class stuff! New links in the sidebar.

I have got new photos of the Rhino armour in the album, and I'm adding a new link to the Warmachine and Bury Gamers albums so do have a peek.
I bought Magnus the Traitor Box set, Eryss-mage killer & a Buccaneer 'jack so keep the album in mind - I'll update with each post. I've been reading the fluff and trying to figure the colour-scheme in my head. All the main factions are so set in their colours (orig) but the Merc's tend to be more hap-hazard.
This opens up many options when it comes to painting the 'Casters and especially the 'Jacks. When you consider that few Merc 'jacks are gonna be legit. A few may have been designed for special Merc's, like the Rhulic stuff, but most are scavenged, looted or stolen. anyway, have a look see as I progress.
I will only be posting pics of Magnus for now, as certain peoples need surprising, so the 'jacks will be posted when complete.

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