Hi there,
This is my first ever blog, so put up with it.
I'm gonna post some of my photos, ideas and creations from my favourite hobby. It's more than a past-time 'cause it occupies most of my free time, not that I'm obsessed, I'm not, really. I really enjoy building and gaming with miniature figurines. Mostly wargames, and skirmish type conflicts. Not that I'm violent by nature, but I enjoy painting beautiful figurines and then having the joy of playing intricate wargames with them. Cream on the Cake !!!
Since I was quite young I've been inclined towards art and didn't really get into the model building until at least 13yrs. I started as everyone does, with military stuff.
Being in South africa was a bit of a problem since the availability was erratic and prices were crazy. Once I'd seen the second Star Wars movie; on the Silver Screen, I was more than hooked on Sci-Fi.
Then the army took me into a different direction when I discovered Dungeons and Dragons. Yes... the original 6 Player character game from Gary Gygax. The figurines were-by today's standards-terrible, but I faithfully painted them (and have since repainted them) and was hooked on figurines. Solo pieces that could make a vignette (look it up dork!).
Since the market was cramped and there were very few distributors of the early Warhammer and WoTC figs I had a hell of a time getting my hands on any. So one fig would have to last my a few months, at least. In 1984 I got given a 4pack blister of Marauders from the Warhammer range. I was in extacy. I have only recently finished the last one this year, Ha!
Once I arrived on the other side of the Pond, in England-Oh Sunny England!, God I miss the S.A. sun. Once I got here I could buy any figurines I wanted, I could order over the net at reasonable prices, OOOOoooooh! I've got so many unpainted figs now it's silly really. Eyes are bigger than paintbrush syndrome. Some call it Figmentia. (Look it up Dork!)
I've now joined the Bury Wargamers, and hope to hang around there for a good long while. My first impressions are fantastic. The members all enjoy the same thing in general, Wargaming, so I enjoyed myself thouroughly. They're the reason that you have to listen to all this now, since I found this spot through them, so I'm not to blame for any forthcoming actions !
I'll post some of my pics asap and some of my concept ideas, etc.